Mass Effect 1 Flux Casino

  1. Mass Effect 1 Flux Casino Free

In physics and engineering, mass flux is the rate of mass flow per unit area, perfectly overlapping with the momentum density, the momentum per unit volume. The common symbols are j, J, q, Q, φ, or Φ (Greek lower or capital Phi), sometimes with subscript m to indicate mass is the flowing quantity. Its SI units are kg s−1 m−2. Mass flux can also refer to an alternate form of flux in Fick's law that includes the molecular mass, or in Darcy's law that includes the mass density.[1]

Unfortunately, sometimes the defining equation for mass flux in this article is used interchangeably with the defining equation in mass flow rate. For example, Fluid Mechanics, Schaum's et al[2] uses the definition of mass flux as the equation in the mass flow rate article.

  • 1Definition
  • 2Equations for fluids
    • 2.2Mass and molar fluxes for composite fluids

What little theme there might be on this video is loosely centered around main and supporting characters from the Mass Effect 1 video game, grooving at a brief Deep/Tech House session mixed by a fictional character named Hawk Palaven (horribly voiced by yours truly:P).


Mathematically, mass flux is defined as the limit:

jm=limA0ImA{displaystyle j_{m}=lim limits _{Arightarrow 0}{frac {I_{m}}{A}}}


Im=limΔt0ΔmΔt=dmdt{displaystyle I_{m}=lim limits _{Delta trightarrow 0}{frac {Delta m}{Delta t}}={frac {dm}{dt}}}

is the mass current (flow of mass m per unit time t) and A is the area through which the mass flows through.

For mass flux as a vector jm, the surface integral it over a surfaceS, followed by an integral over the time duration t1 to t2, gives the total amount of mass flowing through the surface in that time (t2t1):

m=t1t2Sjmn^dAdt{displaystyle m=int _{t_{1}}^{t_{2}}iint _{S}mathbf {j} _{m}cdot mathbf {hat {n}} {rm {d}}A{rm {d}}t}

The area required to calculate the flux is real or imaginary, flat or curved, either as a cross-sectional area or a surface.

For example, for substances passing through a filter or a membrane, the real surface is the (generally curved) surface area of the filter, macroscopically - ignoring the area spanned by the holes in the filter/membrane. The spaces would be cross-sectional areas. For liquids passing through a pipe, the area is the cross-section of the pipe, at the section considered.

The vector area is a combination of the magnitude of the area through which the mass passes through, A, and a unit vector normal to the area, n^{displaystyle mathbf {hat {n}} }. The relation is A=An^{displaystyle mathbf {A} =Amathbf {hat {n}} }.

If the mass flux jm passes through the area at an angle θ to the area normal n^{displaystyle mathbf {hat {n}} }, then

jmn^=jmcosθ{displaystyle mathbf {j} _{m}cdot mathbf {hat {n}} =j_{m}cos theta }

where · is the dot product of the unit vectors. This is, the component of mass flux passing through the surface (i.e. normal to it) is jm cos θ, while the component of mass flux passing tangential to the area is jm sin θ, but there is no mass flux actually passing through the area in the tangential direction. The only component of mass flux passing normal to the area is the cosine component.


Consider a pipe of flowing water. Suppose the pipe has a constant cross section and we consider a straight section of it (not at any bends/junctions), and the water is flowing steadily at a constant rate, under standard conditions. The area A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe. Suppose the pipe has radius r = 2 cm = 2 × 10−2 m. The area is then

A=πr2{displaystyle A=pi r^{2}}

To calculate the mass flux jm (magnitude), we also need the amount of mass of water transferred through the area and the time taken. Suppose a volume V = 1.5 L = 1.5 × 10−3 m3 passes through in time t = 2 s. Assuming the density of water is ρ = 1000 kg m−3, we have:

Δm=ρΔVm2m1=ρ(V2V1)m=ρV{displaystyle {begin{aligned}&Delta m=rho Delta V&m_{2}-m_{1}=rho (V_{2}-V_{1})&m=rho Vend{aligned}}}

(since initial volume passing through the area was zero, final is V, so corresponding mass is m), so the mass flux is

jm=ΔmAΔt=ρVπr2t{displaystyle j_{m}={frac {Delta m}{ADelta t}}={frac {rho V}{pi r^{2}t}}}

substituting the numbers gives:

jm=1000×(1.5×103)π×(2×102)2×2=316π×104{displaystyle j_{m}={frac {1000times (1.5times 10^{-3})}{pi times (2times 10^{-2})^{2}times 2}}={frac {3}{16pi }}times 10^{4}}

which is approximately 596.8 kg s−1 m−2.

Equations for fluids[edit]


Alternative equation[edit]

Using the vector definition, mass flux is also equal to:[3]

jm=ρu{displaystyle mathbf {j} _{rm {m}}=rho mathbf {u} }


  • ρ = mass density,
  • u = velocity field of mass elements flowing (i.e. at each point in space the velocity of an element of matter is some velocity vector u).

Sometimes this equation may be used to define jm as a vector.

Mass and molar fluxes for composite fluids[edit]

Mass fluxes[edit]

In the case fluid is not pure, i.e. is a mixture of substances (technically contains a number of component substances), the mass fluxes must be considered separately for each component of the mixture.

When describing fluid flow (i.e. flow of matter), mass flux is appropriate. When describing particle transport (movement of a large number of particles), it is useful to use an analogous quantity, called the molar flux.

Using mass, the mass flux of component i is:

jm,i=ρiui{displaystyle mathbf {j} _{{rm {m}},i}=rho _{i}mathbf {u} _{i}}

The barycentric mass flux of component i is

jm,i=ρ(uiu){displaystyle mathbf {j} _{{rm {m}},i}=rho left(mathbf {u} _{i}-langle mathbf {u} rangle right)}

where u{displaystyle langle mathbf {u} rangle } is the averagemass velocity of all the components in the mixture, given by:

u=1ρiρiui=1ρijm,i{displaystyle langle mathbf {u} rangle ={frac {1}{rho }}sum _{i}rho _{i}mathbf {u} _{i}={frac {1}{rho }}sum _{i}mathbf {j} _{{rm {m}},i}}
Mass effect 1 romance guide

where :

  • ρ = mass density of the entire mixture,
  • ρi = mass density of component i,
  • ui = velocity of component i.

The average is taken over the velocities of the components.

Molar fluxes[edit]

If we replace density ρ by the 'molar density', concentrationc, we have the molar flux analogues.

The molar flux is the number of moles per unit time per unit area, generally:

jn=cu{displaystyle mathbf {j} _{rm {n}}=cmathbf {u} }

So the molar flux of component i is (number of moles per unit time per unit area):

jn,i=ciui{displaystyle mathbf {j} _{{rm {n}},i}=c_{i}mathbf {u} _{i}}

and the barycentric molar flux of component i is

jn,i=c(uiu){displaystyle mathbf {j} _{{rm {n}},i}=cleft(mathbf {u} _{i}-langle mathbf {u} rangle right)}

where u{displaystyle langle mathbf {u} rangle } this time is the averagemolar velocity of all the components in the mixture, given by:

u=1niciui=1cijn,i{displaystyle langle mathbf {u} rangle ={frac {1}{n}}sum _{i}c_{i}mathbf {u} _{i}={frac {1}{c}}sum _{i}mathbf {j} _{{rm {n}},i}}


Mass flux appears in some equations in hydrodynamics, in particular the continuity equation:

jm+ρt=0{displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf {j} _{rm {m}}+{frac {partial rho }{partial t}}=0}

which is a statement of the mass conservation of fluid. In hydrodynamics, mass can only flow from one place to another.

Molar flux occurs in Fick's first law of diffusion:

jn=Dn{displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf {j} _{rm {n}}=-nabla cdot Dnabla n}

where D is the diffusion coefficient.

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Thesaurus: Mass flux'. Retrieved 2008-12-24.
  2. ^Fluid Mechanics, M. Potter, D.C. Wiggart, Schuam's outlines, McGraw Hill (USA), 2008, ISBN978-0-07-148781-8
  3. ^Vectors, Tensors, and the basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics, R. Aris, Dover Publications, 1989, ISBN0-486-66110-5
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Barla Von would be the first to admit that he lead an easy life, between his work for the shadow broker and his own financial dealings there was very little in life that he wanted that he couldn't get, nearly everyone had a price and Barla was very good at working out what that was.

Mass Effect 1 Flux Casino Free

As he found himself jammed up against the wall of his apartment, feet dangling almost 3 feet off the ground and flailing uselessly, Barla couldn't help but think he should probably have invested a bit more in his personal security systems for this particular circumstance.

'I have a trade for your boss little whelp.' The deep and obviously distorted voice did little to improve Barla's rather flaky constitution, the skull mask facing him right now terrifying him to the point that his attempt to defuse the situation came out a mere squeak rather than his usual calm tone.

'W-well sir, if you want to come by the office during the day I would be happy to...' Barla stopped with a breathy gasp as the man holding him slammed his fist into the wall next to Barla's head, denting the metal structure in a way that should not be humanly possible to achieve barehanded.

'This is more convenient and serves as the warning that comes with this trade, should your boss try and fleece me I think you know who I will start with showing my displeasure.' One of the few dangers to working for the shadow broker was dealing with individuals like this, those more adept at solving arguments with guns and brute force rather than words and money.

'Of course s-sir, perfectly clear. What is it you wish to trade with the Shadow Broker?' Barla would definitely be hiring some bounty hunters to deal with this man, he refused to let himself get manhandled like this and then let the person get away with it, but if what he was offering the shadow broker was valuable then the deal could still be made first.

He was abruptly dropped to the floor with a thud, eyes taking in every part of his attacker that he could see for a description later. The man wore high end armour that had obviously been custom tailored with spikes and extra armour pads, the distinctive mask overlay on his helmet would make it easy to find the man in the street at any rate. The man brought out two data slates, throwing one to Barla dismissively.

'The identities of a large number of gang members and their associated businesses on the Citadel, protection rackets and other money making activities.' Browsing through the first few entries, to ensure it's validity of course, Barla saw that whilst some of the information was already in their possession, this was quite a lot more detailed.

'Whilst we have some of this information the rest of it is certainly valuable enough, what are you wanting in return for this information? And what is on the second slate?' Barla wasn't dumb, the second slate was obviously meant to be an enticement for the first deal to be favourable.

'Credits, high end weaponry, whichever is easier for me make disappear into the wider market. Let's make it credits, then we can negotiate on this second slate, which contains the information of which gangs Spectre Shepard and C-Sec are going to hit in the next 48 hours...' Barla's eyes widened, the time frame was quite short but several gangs on the first list had standing deals with him to buy information related to law enforcement activities targeted at them, meaning that the second slate was far, far more valuable than the first one he had been given.

'How do you claim to have such information? Breaching the Alliance network on that new prototype of theirs is no easy task.' Breaking into C-Sec's mainframe was a lot easier, but Pallin wasn't a fool and generally didn't release this kind of information electronically until an hour before they started breaking down doors, so a C-Sec leak was unlikely.

'Much easier if you just access the data in person, physical security is actually a lot less robust than electronic on that ship, was easier to get in and out of there than it was here.' Something for him to note for later Barla thought to himself, he had several contacts that were known as high class thieves, perhaps he could continue obtaining the information even after he killed off this annoyance.

'Well, I will be able to offer you 20,000 credits for the first data slate and 50,000 for the second one, which is very generous I assure you.' It was generous, for the first data slate at least, normally he wouldn't even offer half that for information he had already read and had most of already.

'100,000 for both and an agreed 10,000 credit fee to be deposited with one of my contacts for each attack I provide forewarning of from now on, per gang.' Barla knew he could probably push for a better deal, but it was still less than half of what the gangs were offering and he had no desire to have this man in his home another minute if he could avoid it.

'You push a hard bargain sir, but I will agree, this chit has 100,000 on it plus a little extra as an incentive. How will you contact me if you have more information?' Barla hoped that the man would be stupid enough to arrange a meeting point or give him an extranet address, both would make tracking him and killing him that much easier for his minions.

'Don't worry rat, if I have more information, it will get to you, one way or another...' Barla couldn't react in time to avoid the second data slate hitting him in the face as it was thrown in his direction, stumbling back against the wall in shock.

Looking up the man was gone, something Barla would have thought impossible given his heavy armour and build, but frantically casting his eyes around the room Barla could see no sign of his assailant. With a weary sigh Barla activated his comms unit to get the head of his security, his weekend lie in ruined and now he would have to talk business before breakfast. Honestly, some people in this business were just barbarians...

*line break*

Crouched in a roof vent just outside the large apartment Barla Von called home, the skull masked figure chuckled darkly to itself for a moment before it shimmered and changed into the form of a familiar blonde ninja.

'Enjoy yourself there Kyuubi? Glad you listened to the no dismembering rule.' The fox took a moment to reply, the deep mental rumble a moment later bursting with ill contained glee.

'As if I would need to use physical violence against an insect like that, you give me no credit brat, though your deviousness is impressive given your usual 'holier than thou' attitude. I wonder what your beloved taichou would think of you selling out part of her attack for mere money?' It was an impressive attempt at a guilt trip, given that the fox liked to pretend he hated Naruto's attempt to be honest and helpful with those he considered friends.

'It's fine, I have clones watching all the locations I gave him, which are only the ones on our strike list not C-sec's. We now get to see what they move, where they move it and whether we can actually put a face to any of Barla Von's men that aren't just his hired thugs.' The only issue might be Wrex getting angsty, but from the sounds of it only a few of the gangs would be warned in time, so there should be enough trouble to keep the bloodthirsty Krogan happy.

'Whatever you say brat, I wonder what your plan is for your newly gained ill gotten gains, whilst a nice sum for very little work it is probably coded to given the mole locations where any money is spent.' It was a good point, and Naruto had no delusions about the Volus and it's undoubtedly quickly forming plans for revenge, which was why he already had a plan.

'Well Kyuubi, let's give him a trail of crumbs to follow then, some of the people he sends after us might actually give you a challenge...' That and have some good gear or bounties on them, though Naruto knew he would need to remind Kyuubi not to kill them unless necessary, they were only doing their job after all and he had definitely provoked Barla into putting out the contract.

'I doubt it brat, even with us trying to hide our abilities I can outfight any of these xenos, though Wrex might be fun to challenge sometime. Now, what do we want to buy first?' Naruto had a few ideas, though 100,000 credits wasn't actually an easy value to shift in bulk without attracting attention.

'How do you feel about buying some shares?' There was at least one restaurant on the citadel that he thought would do a lot better now he was around, especially if he kept using paying his tab as the price in any competition between him and the other Normandy strike team members.

And the rest, well he had a plan to get Barla sniffing around an area where his men would definitely stick out...

*Line Skip*

'Here's your winnings sir... Please have a nice day.' The slightly forced smile on the the Flux casino cashier's face just made Naruto smile even brighter under his henged mask, having doubled the 30,000 credits he had originally exchanged for the casino's tokens in less than 2 hours.

Now he had left Barla enough of a trail to make him think that his attacker lived in the area, visiting several shops and businesses near to the casino before using it in the casino itself, now it was time for him to get back to Jane's tasks. Wrex offering to give him a hand had been unexpected, but clearly the Krogan had been expecting trouble which was why he offered.

Naruto had switched out with a clone who was then going to 'check in' with several of his other clones, both to avoid pissing Wrex off by saying no and also to provide a seemingly legitimate route for him to obtain his information from. Given he hadn't received any memories that was still going according to plan, so now he just had to find some trouble to keep Wrex happy and then he was free for the evening.

Given the conversation he had heard between one of the waitresses and the man at the bar, perhaps another visit to Chora's den was in order...

*Line Skip*

Despite spending the afternoon in the spa, Jane couldn't help but regret trying so hard to keep up with Naruto during his training session, each step was painful and her muscles made it clear that doing anything but gingerly walking back to the Normandy would get a mutiny from them. Still it could be worse, she thought slightly amusedly to herself as she looked back to where Liara and Ashley were stumbling along, Ashley due to her injury and Liara due to her muscles seizing up after she had collapsed.

'Want a hand Jane-chan?' Turning to where Naruto had somehow appeared silently, Jane merely quirked an eyebrow in his direction, their agreed method of enquiring if he was the real one or not.

'Just finished with Wrex and an issue in Chora's den, then a little bird told me some of my precious teammates were struggling with the aftermath of our light training. So I thought I should leave Wrex to mop up the few remaining pieces of trouble in Chora's Den and came to offer my assistance in helping you back to the ship.' Whilst the initial statement had her anger rising given his mocking smile, the offer of assistance certainly seemed genuine enough, and he had used the code phrase to indicate he was the original.

'What happened in Chora's Den? I thought you were just checking in on a few things before we took another mission.' Given she wanted the others to catch up, Jane decided that distracting herself from the pain of standing was the best thing to do in the meantime.

'Just a C-Sec op that was about to explode in their faces, idiots were trying to use a civilian with no training or expertise to infiltrate an illegal gun mod ring, they didn't even shut her sister up from talking about it. Got the girl out, beat up those trying to kill her for being a snitch, and then had one of my contacts complete the deal for them.' Naruto's irritation was understandable given his background, Naruto's ability to infiltrate places was one he was very proud of, and others mockery of the art was one of the few points he really liked to gripe about.

'I bet you are going to get a nice little paycheck out of it though, so I wouldn't try and complain too much Naruto. Now, as much as I would like to take it easy, I think Liara and Ash need your help considerably more than I do Naruto, I was starting to worry Liara wouldn't make it back at all.' The Asari perked up at the idea of help, though she looked a little confused when Naruto turned away from her and knelt down.

'He is offering you a piggy back Liara, not quite what I meant when I said help you but I suppose it will speed us up.' Jane was slightly surprised that Liara didn't know what a piggyback was, maybe what she had been telling her of her childhood with Benezia wasn't exaggerated after all.

'A-are you sure this is okay? I am not sure about human customs and wouldn't want to give people the wrong idea...' Obviously carrying someone around had a different meaning in Asari culture, or at least that's what Jane assumed from Liara's statement.

'Well if you don't want the lift Liara I am sure that Ashley or I will take up Naruto's offer...' Given how painful the journey had been thus far, Jane was more than slightly tempted to pull rank now she had made the initial offer, it would sure beat trudging back under her own power.

'So it is not at all due to the fact you want the opportunity to get a feel for those rock hard muscles? Or to stake your claim before Liara gets any ideas?' The sarcastic voice inside her head was the part of her that mentally said the things it wasn't acceptable to utter out loud, or at least it usually was, this was out of left field even for her.

'Oh sorry Commander, I didn't mean to offend, I was just curious about what people might assume. I think you are correct though, making it back without assistance may well be beyond me now, so if you are still willing Naruto?' The blonde nodded, to Jane's slight chagrin, and Liara hopped into place a moment later.

'No worries Liara-chan, I imagine Tali-chan will probably need some help when she finishes with her spa as well, and we wouldn't want you injuring yourself before the next mission...' Jane tried to ignore the slight blush on Liara's face as she wrapped her arms round Naruto's neck, given the number of things that embarrassed or caught the young Asari off guard it probably wasn't even related to the current situation...

'Keep telling yourself that Hun, though I reserve the right to say I told you so when you actually get jealous later...' Normally Jane found her inner's comments amusing or very astute, but now she was just wishing she had told the shrink about it all those years ago, she knew it wouldn't let this little fantasy go for some time.

'Jane-chan? Are you okay?' Naruto's call drew her from her rather one sided internal argument, Jane quickly realising she was frowning rather intensely in his direction, not exactly a good facial expression to be using despite her annoyance.

'Yes, I am fine Naruto, though next time I am pulling rank.' And the time after and so on, Jane thought as the quartet started moving down the street once again, not realising the slightly sadistic grin she was now sporting would probably disturb Naruto even more than the frown had if he happened to notice...


*Line Skip*

Lines of text from reports across the galaxy flittered across the screens in front of him, filtered and condensed by his most trusted agents, allowing him to understand the top level of what was going on within his organisation.

'You called for me?' The accent would have given the approaching person away even if she had tried to hide her distinctive walking pattern, Miranda Lawson a beautiful sight to behold even as she stopped ten yards from him and stood to attention, her face set in the calm facade she liked to present to the world.

'I did, did you view the file I sent you?' The report on this Naruto Uzumaki had of course been classified to the highest level within Alliance command, but that just meant that it took his agents a little longer to pass it along to him.

'Of course, though I question the validity of it, which I imagine you foresaw given we are meeting now...' Despite the fact she could and often did use subtlety and manipulation when talking with others, Miranda was one of the few trusted to enter his inner sanctum, there was a level of trust there that most would be unable to fathom for such an organisation.

'Of course. I could have just forwarded these to you but I felt the tactical assessment could come from you in person.' With a wave of his hand the video streams started, what little security footage left on Eden Prime that his operatives could salvage, the arrival of the Normandy on the Citadel and the fight that went with it and so on.

'As you can see, the reports indications of Uzumaki's ability to duplicate himself are not as farfetched as first is to be believed, which given how suspicious he seemed at first points to other skills he is no doubt still hiding. Tactical assessment?' Whilst he had already made his own assessment regarding the boy, it was always interesting to hear how the minds of his subordinates worked.

'Tactically? Probably about average for his age, the boy seems to just spam his duplicates and send them in en masse. That does point to this ability being one that does not strain him overtly, or that he is so used to the strain that several dozen clones are not a problem for him now, meaning that in terms of physical threat I would put him on the same level as one of our sweep teams.' Interesting, lower than he had put the boy, but he supposed she didn't have all the data and it was closer to his assessment then Kai's was.

'And knowing you as I do operator Lawson, you want to know why I have brought this to your attention given the stand down and evacuate order that I have given regarding humanity's new Spectre and her crew?' Not exactly a leap of logic, whilst Uzumaki's abilities fascinated him, Miranda was currently running a dozen other teams for him and a bit too busy to just summon over in order to show off his new find.

'I wouldn't question your reasons sir, his abilities would make him quite the asset if he was properly trained. Please don't tell me you called me to get me to seduce him?' Whilst there were many distasteful things Miranda had done for him and Cerberus, she had made it clear that sleeping with people for the job was a line she wasn't going to cross, and he couldn't help but respect her for that.

'Of course not, if the reports of his training as a shinobi are even remotely accurate he would see that coming a mile off, though given all of our data has come from the boy himself thus far I imagine everything we know has to be taken with a large spoon of salt. My point is that he is entirely new to the galaxy as a whole, meaning that he has no preconceived notions of us or Cerberus as a whole, certainly not the usual drivel that is fed to the masses by the Alliance spin doctors.' Something he would have loved to rectify if he had the time and resources, but humanity's future was far more important than his personal reputation.

'So you wish for me to make contact with him and act as a diplomat to Cerberus?' He nodded silently, allowing Miranda to then continue speaking. 'I will need to pass some of my operations to other Operators, if I am going to the Citadel I will not be able to manage them effectively.' The Illusive man nodded, he had expected this request even as he summoned her.

'Send me the details, I will run the operations in your absence, it has been some time since I have been into the field after all.' And there was rarely a better opportunity to remind some of his lower level employees that he was actually real, not merely a shadowy figure that haunted their minds when they were behind on reports, he was a people person after all.

'Of course, anything else?' It was only slight, but he allowed himself a small upturning of the corners of his mouth as Miranda once again proved much easier to anticipate and understand than she would want, the feeling of satisfaction disappearing moments later as he nodded and held out a small electronic device.

'Yes, there is one thing I think would be advantageous to us, both in understanding Uzumaki and also in getting us information on the Spectre's progress outside of what she reports to the council. Given my orders we will need to hire someone in from the outside to infiltrate the ship and plant this in the main data core, the who I leave up to you, though if they could also nab any medical records on Uzumaki whilst they are there that would be beneficial.' He knew who she would think of first, after all it would be the same person he had thought of, but the illusion of independent thought was important to make his people feel valued.

He couldn't do the thinking for them all the time now could he? Dismissing Miranda in his best attempt at a civil and warm manner, he turned back to the screens and began to actively focus on the data, he might have missed something after all and that just wouldn't do.

'Interesting...' The single utterance was the only indication he gave of his mental processes as he read the bounty contract from the Citadel, put out by Barla Von for 'a skull masked wearing mercenary, last seen in Flux', concluding from the information in the contract that this was the Uzumaki in disguise.

After all, who else could dent steel with just a punch, then disappear before Barla had a chance to call his hired cronies? If the boy did allow Miranda to talk him into supporting their cause, he was definitely going to have to teach him a lot more about subtlety...

A/N: So, a couple of key introductions this chapter, we have the Kyuubi everyone! He is definitely going to be Naruto's darker side in this story, but I am not going to have him be a simple beast of war as quite a lot of fics have him, I think a more manipulative and devious foil to Naruto's relative straightforwardness and honesty will work better.

Secondly, Jane's mental voice... This is not 'inner Sakura MK 2' or anything like that, as is stated in chapter this is just her voice that she uses mentally when what she says out loud is not appropriate, though it will be fun to have it develop a bit more of the sassy personality that you see here.

Finally, Cerberus and the Illusive man... When I started this fic I was a typical ME player that believed that other than a few good eggs the entirety of Cerberus was sour to the core, but as you guys have read... They might have a point about the Council in a way that I hadn't anticipated.

So with that in mind, I want to ask my readers... Cerberus, make more positive than they were perceived in the games? Yay or Nay? Rogue elements of the group will splinter off for the purposes of ME 1 and then we can go from there.

Let me know your thoughts guys, if there is a particular leaning one way or another I will factor it into my writing!

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